April 14, 2016
1.0 Welcome and Introductions
- At 7:00 p.m. President Marianne Cole welcomed all those in attendance and called the meeting to order. All those in attendance introduced themselves.
2.0 Approval of Agenda
2. Trish Bingham moved that the agenda be adopted as presented Al Gaetz seconded. Carried.
3.0 Adoption of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
3. Minutes of the previous meeting of March 10, 2016 were adopted as recorded. Moved by Trish Bingham. Seconded by Al Gaetz. Carried.
4.0 Financial Report
4. Sharon Rubeling read the financial report. Fred Gerber moved that the financial statements be accepted as presented. Lavern Ahlstrom seconded. Carried.
5.0 Business Arising From the Minutes
5.1 April 21 public meeting is canceled due to Reeve unable to attend.
5.2 Meeting with Mountaineer. The meeting with The Mountaineer went very well but still no article in the paper.
6.0 New Business
6.1 Meeting at Ferrier. There has been money put away for the last year for the new county buildings. Councillors have not received all the information. Councillors have toured administration buildings in Red Deer, Lacombe and Kneehill. There is a lack of information about the planned new buildings.
6.2 Possible Action: There was discussion about possible action concerning the county plans for new buildings. Trish Bingham made a motion to publish an ad in the Western Star for a May 5th public meeting and to create a committee to create the ad. Seconded by Elsie Neilson. Carried. Trish Bingham made a motion to organize a public meeting for May 5th at 7:00 pm at the Leslieville Elks Hall and to invite councillors and the Ag committee to attend. Deb Gastonguay seconded. Carried. Members of the committee will be Sharon Rubeling, Marianne Cole, Neil Ratcliffe and Debbie Gastonguay.
6.3 June meeting date. June meeting is changed to June 16th @ 7:30 because of Rocky rodeo.
6.4 Pat Butler. It was discussed and decided that CCTA would make a donation of flowers to Pat with the passing of her son.
7.0 Open Forum
7.1 Winter gravel program. Pictures were provided illustrating all the gravel ending up in the ditches. Laverne Ahlstrom made a motion to write a letter to council questioning the value of the program and if there is a way to recover the gravel for reuse. Seconded by Elsie Neilson. Carried.
8.0 Next meeting May 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
9.0 Adjournment. Melanie O’ Conner moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m.