Monday, February 12, 2018

October 12, 2017
1.0 Welcome and introductions

1. At 7:32 p.m. President Marianne Cole welcomed all those in attendance. Those in attendance introduced themselves.

2.0 Approval of Agenda
2. Items 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7 were added. Dan Warkentin moved that we approve the agenda with the additions. Larry Titford seconded. Carried.
3.0 Minutes of the last meeting
3. Marianne Cole read the minutes of the last meeting held September 14, 2017. Larry Titford moved that the minutes be approved as presented. Al Gaetz seconded. Carried.
4.0 Financial Report

4. Pat Butler read the financial report. Pat Butler moved that the financial report by accepted as presented. Marlene Brattberg seconded. Carried.

5.0 Business arising from the minutes
5.1 Ads in Western Star – There was very good feedback regarding the two ½ page ads that we ran in the Western Star for the election.
5.2 Candidates Forum – The forum was very well attended and there was good engagement from attendees.
5.3 Social media idea: Darryl Park – not needed at this time. Marianne read the last mailout from the Vote Clearwater Group that some residents have received.

5.4 Letter to Jason Nixon – Marianne Cole drafted a letter to Jason Nixon October 6, 2017 which outlined our concerns regarding Daylight saving time, unreasonably rigid rules re: local abattoirs and federal tax reforms.
6.0 New Business
6.1 County Council Highlights – Key highlights of the October 10, 2017 meeting were:
o Clearwater Cottages Ltd. development proposal- there was a proposal for development in the rig street area but there were road access concerns. A Land Use Bylaw amendment was defeated by council so no development will be able to continue.
o Restoration of Shank’s historic garage in Nordegg- Ted deBoer has offered to do restoration to this building for the cost of demolition. He previously restored the CIBC building in Nordegg.
o Rocky Chamber of Commerce loan request – The Rocky Chamber is asking the town and county each for a $30,000 loan. The county will meet with the chamber and the town to discuss funding options.
o Rocky Air Show – A presentation was made by Nancy McClure about the operation of the air show and they are asking for $25,000.00 for the 2018 show. Support will be considered during budget deliberations.

6.2 Election Issues – No new issues to discuss.
6.3 AGM November 9, 2017- We will ask Jason Nixon to be our guest speaker as well as the new Reeve.
6.4 Public Input Policy ( New MGA) – What is the policy going to be regarding public input? What is going to be the new council’s policy? Our concerns are the non response to our letters, short lead time for agendas and vote time. There is no time for public input. There was discussion about making a presentation to council regarding these concerns: Agenda lead time, code of conduct and response time to communications.
6.5 Division Meetings – There was discussion regarding the councillors holding division meetings at the county’s various halls. If councillors aren’t meeting with constituents, we could host meetings in the future.
6.6 Voting Process – People don’t have a chance to vote if their councillor is acclaimed. Discussion took place if there is an opportunity to vote for four councillors or one for any division.
6.7 Broadband Survey – The county is doing a broadband survey that is noted in the county highlights and the newspapers. It is 13 pages long and has to be printed out to submit unless you are contacted by phone. The cost is $60.000.00.
7.0 Open Forum
7.1 Some of the candidates were in attendance and brought up some of their concerns. There is a study going on with the Caroline lagoon as well as the ongoing Rocky lagoon issue… many $$$’s are going to have to be spent on this?

8.0 Next meetings: AGM November 9, 2017 @ 7:00pm; January 11, 2018 @ 7:00pm.
9.0 Dan Warkentin moved for adjournment @ 9:55 p.m.

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