Monday, February 12, 2018

January 11, 2018
1.0 Welcome and introductions

1. At 7:28 p.m. President Marianne Cole welcomed all those in attendance. Those in attendance introduced themselves.

2.0 Approval of Agenda
2. Item 7.1 was added. Ken Qually moved that we approve the agenda with the addition. Larry Titford seconded. Carried.
3.0 Minutes of the last meeting
3. Marianne Cole read the minutes of the last meeting held October 12, 2017. Dennis Ross moved that the minutes be approved as presented. Dan Warkentin seconded. Carried.
4.0 Financial Report

4. Pat Butler read the financial report. Pat Butler moved that the financial report by accepted as presented. Ron Hallahan seconded. Carried.

5.0 Business arising from the minutes
5.1 Agenda – The agenda for council meetings is now coming out Wednesdays. Previous concerns with no response to letters and phone calls should be addressed in a new Code of Conduct.
5.2 Broadband Survey – Marianne Cole outlined the results of the broadband survey which indicated that there is a need for better internet in the county with concerns about potential costs.

6.0 New Business
6.1 County Council Highlights – Key highlights of the January 9, 2018 meeting were:
o Presentation by Kelly and Andrea Spongberg - The Spongbergs are requesting cost sharing for the road improvements that they have made.
o Presentation re: hosting the 2019 Alberta Masters Games – Council passed a motion to provide $75,000 of funding for the games.
o Presentation by Stephan Bull, Assistant Deputy Minister, Service Alberta – Mr Bull made a presentation on issues related to improved broadband service in Alberta.
o The County’s own Broadband Policy Framework – A draft of the possible policy framework was presented but will be discussed further at council’s Agenda and Priorities meeting on Monday.

6.2 Future meeting location and time – There is no price on holding meetings at the Arbutus hall at this time. Robert Brattberg moved that future meetings be held at Arbutus hall pending further information. Marlene Brattberg seconded. Carried. Larry Titford moved that meeting times continue at 7:30 pm. Doug Smith seconded. Carried.
6.3 Support of Leslieville Elks’ Hall fundraiser, Saturday February 3, 2018. – Trish Bingham moved to donate $250.00 to the fundraiser. Robert Brattberg seconded. Carried.

6.4 Future guest speaker?? Karl Zajes, Warburg Surface Rights Group?? – Sharon Rubeling moved that we invite Karl Zajes to our February or March meeting depending on when he is available. Pat Butler seconded. Carried.

6.5 Guest Speaker-----Reeve John Vandermeer

Reeve John Vandermeer was our guest speaker and covered a number of topics that council will have to make decisions on in the upcoming term. Some of the topics covered were:
o Leslieville and Condor firehalls – previous council was pushing for a centralized hall. Community engagement is needed for the fire halls.
o Road Paving – 2018 is looking like a good time to pave some roads as there are lower asphalt prices this year
o Broadband – There is $10 million allocated for a demonstration project. The county is looking to provide the internet highway ( infrastructure) and have other companies provide the service.
o Taxes – Over 90% of the tax revenue in the county is from oil and gas companies. We need to have a more diversified revenue stream.
John fielded various questions and comments from those in attendance.

7.0 Open Forum
7.1 Park in the West Country.- It was decided to table this item until we can gather more information.

8.0 Next meetings: February 8, 2018 @ 7:30pm; March 8, 2018 @ 7:30pm.
9.0 Dan Warkentin moved for adjournment @ 9:55 p.m.

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