Sunday, May 6, 2018

February 08, 2018

1.0 Welcome and introductions

1. At 7:30 p.m. President Marianne Cole welcomed all those in attendance. Those in attendance introduced themselves.

2.0 Approval of Agenda
2. Item 6.5 was added to the agenda. Ken Qually moved that we approve the agenda with the addition. Dan Warkentin seconded. Carried.

3.0 Minutes of the last meeting
3. Marianne Cole read the minutes of the last meeting held January 11, 2018. Al Gaetz moved that the minutes be approved as presented. Doug Smith seconded. Carried.

4.0 Financial Report

4. Pat Butler read the financial report. Pat Butler moved that the financial report by accepted as presented. Marlene Brattberg seconded. Carried.

5.0 Business arising from the minutes
5.1 Elks Hall Fund Raiser/Donation – The Elks’ fundraiser was a success with standing room only with a silent and live auction. Over 50,000 was raised.
5.2 Karl Zajes as guest speaker – Karl was unable to attend the meeting due to the weather. It was decided to invite him to speak at our April meeting. Marlene Brattberg moved that we give him an honorarium of $200. Ken Qually seconded. Carried.

6.0 New Business
6.1 West Country/Bighorn Wilderness Park – There was a meeting held at the Dovercourt Hall on February 07, 2018 that was very well attended. There is a letter available online to send to Shannon Phillips opposing the park. According to a survey by the Clearwater Trails Initiative, 65% of users of the West Country would be in favor of a fee for random recreational activities.

6.2 Use of County vehicles for driving to/from work – Marianne Cole did an estimated cost of county vehicle usage based on 8 vehicles, and the yearly cost is $50,420.00. It is unknown how many county vehicles are being driven to and from work.

6.3 Medical Marijuana Facilities/Land Use Bylaw – There is a bylaw amendment on the County agenda for February 13, 2018. The County has developed a special land use provision for Medical Marijuana Production Facilities.

6.4 January 23 council meeting highlights/Agenda for February 13

o Recommendations from the January 15th Agenda & Priorities Meeting : Broadband Policy Framework- Council directed administration to prepare a Terms of Reference for council. The project will involve public engagements through articles and community hall meetings. CPO program- a motion to hire a 5th CPO was defeated. Leslieville/Condor Fire Halls- members want to maintain two stations. The public will be engaged before any decisions are made.

o Presentation by Sgt. Jason Penner, Acting Detachment Commander, RCMP – There are some staff changes at the department, a crime analyst/investigator should be on staff by May. “Coffee with a Cop” will be held at McDonalds from 10-11AM once a month. * There is a program for seniors for information about fraud and scams called the Wise Owl Program. For more information contact Tom Clark *

o Presentation by Cole Thomson, Community Area Lead, TransCanada NOVA Transmission Ltd. – Mr. Thomson outlined their plans for two large scale projects in Clearwater County, one near Nordegg and one near Caroline.

o Presentation by Jessica Reilly, Senior Fisheries Biologist, Alberta Environment and Parks – Ms. Reilly outline her research on the decline of some trout numbers and the need for fixing some culverts/road crossings.

o Council Board & Committee Remuneration Policy – A committee will be established to review remuneration which will be made up of no more than 5 public members. Interested parties may apply.

6.5 Procedural Bylaw – There was a concern by a member that the County website is not reflecting changes to a bylaw that was changed in January. Also, special meetings can be called with 24 hours notice, is there a way to inform residents of this as well as on social media?

6.6 Membership/ Cards – 2018 Memberships are available as well as new membership cards. Memberships are $10.

7.0 Open Forum
7.1 Laverne Ahlstrom informed us that the cost for the rent of the Arbutus Hall will be $50 per meeting.
7.2 Lawrence Stewart had high praise for the job that the graders are doing and the excellent experience he had in our hospitals.

8.0 Next meetings: March 8, 2018 @ 7:30pm; April 12, 2018 @ 7:30pm.

9.0 Ken Qually moved for adjournment @ 9:15 p.m.

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